Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Blooming Onion

During the last few weeks, after a number of visits to School C, I feel like I've been seeing layers peeled back week after week. The first visit was rather calm and, not bland Unassuming? Anyways, every week since I've been seeing new things that I didn't notice on the first day. I feel like there are more students in the hall every week, more interactions, more things being revealed. Last week, I was stared down on the bus by students sitting on the sidewalk, we've had to jostle by crowds in the halls, also last week I was scheduled to go into a special education classroom, but there was some kind of commotion going on between a student and the teacher, so we didn't go in. On the first day, the hall was empty, there were no students outside, nothing but a clean school, and now, I'm starting to see more, and it's really interesting. I don't mind being stared down by students or being surrounded by crowds of students yelling in Spanish to each other, I find this all interesting and exciting. I have never quite had a class like this before... It makes me wonder what am I going to see next week, or over the next couple months. Another thing that I've seen develop is the interactions between the Principal and the students. On the first day, we didn't have a chance to see this, but now, walking through the halls with him, I see him shaking hands with students, while he's telling them to get to class, which is interesting because he's obviously respected and liked, but at the same time, authoritative and commanding, he does his job well. I will try to keep updating new things that I see during our experience here.  


  1. Well thanks now you've made me hungry. But yeah I definitely agree. I find that the first time we went we were all sorta rushing to get in as much info as we could and missed so much. Now that we're comfortable we can take our time and look at everything slowly and with great care. I'm loving how much I'm seeing as we go and I'm really looking forward to being on our own.

  2. I agree fully that every week we seem to be getting more and more of a whole experience of the school, and I can't wait to eventually interact directly with some of the students. This class is definitely unlike any other that I have taken and that makes me extremely excited every week to head back to school c and see what is in store for us. Also, going along with the idea of the principal's interactions with students, it seems like he is not an enemy of the students that I have seen in other schools, but almost like an advocate for the students.
