Friday, November 1, 2013

Essential Question

During this class, we have been asked a number of time what our essential question is. I feel like I have finally begun to construct a solid question that represents my personality, style and mentality, which is what I believe a good question should do. So with that, here it is...."How do I conduct an enjoyable class where the teaching and learning scaffolding is hidden, so that learning can naturally happen through enjoyment and interest instead of out of necessity?" I also have an essential question that has more to do with continued interest, and it goes like this, "How do I turn a foreign language, something that isn't really necessary in life, into a topic that the students will want to further pursue in life, not for necessity, but for enjoyment?". I believe as teachers, one of our jobs is to be an advocate for our subjects, we should try to "spread the love" for english, math, foreign language, history, etc. We should try to sell the subjects to our students so that they pursue them in college and in life. If I can influence a student so much that they decide to pursue a degree in a foreign language, be it Portuguese or Spanish, I will have done my job. Oh and if you were wondering what my picture is, it's a damaged wall where the bricks are showing...representing how good teaching can hide the main structures of a class.

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