Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tutoring experience

So now that I'm in my sixth week of tutoring, I'd like to talk about what I've experienced and learned. It's been interesting comparing what I've learned in class and then trying to apply it to my tutoring and teaching..It's all a big experiment really. Anyways, so I tutor two students on a regular basis, at least two to three times per week, and it's been really good so far, I like to students that I tutor and, honestly, I've seen improvement lately. I've tried a number of different tactics, from telling them to study on their own, to drilling it into their heads with repetition, different exercises on the board, etc. Whenever I tutor, I use an empty classroom so I can utilize the board and open private space, it's nice. I would recommend tutoring to any education major because it's really good practice. So, over the last few weeks I've seen improvement in one particular student and it really does make me proud, of not only him, but also of myself. It's a great feeling and it's one of the reasons why I'm becoming a teacher. I feel like when I do my two lessons, that having tutored will help me because I am going to go in more confidently knowing that I have already improved my own student's proficiency and knowledge. I will continue to use my tutoring as almost like an education lab, where I get to try out new things and see how they work and what I prefer. It helps me to understand my own teaching style and expectations.


  1. I think it's awesome that you got to practice your skills out on some students. I wonder what you think the difference between tutoring and teaching a whole class would be? I haven't had the chance to tutor much but I've taught a few classes now. I imagine there is a rewarding sense of one on one that you get with tutoring. Do you think that could be brought to whole class teaching?

  2. It's definitely a great feeling knowing that a student you were tutoring/teaching has made an improvement. I think that's one of the most rewarding parts of teaching--knowing that you helped a student improve and learn and that you had an effect on his or her life. it's really cool that you're tutoring while taking this class so that you are able to try things out and see how things work before you have to move into teaching an entire classroom.

  3. I agree that tutoring is awesome for anyone that is trying to be a teacher. Tutoring is one of my responsibilities at work and I map student progress and it is always awesome to point out progress and see the students light up. It definitely also allows you to try out different techniques which of course is extremely valuable. Now one on one is not something that can be done every day in a full classroom, but these are tools that can be used on those students that are falling behind.
